Inconcise or unconcise. Find another word for concise. Brief and to the point c16. Concise verb to make concise. Found 0 sentences matching phrase unconcisefound in 0 ms.
Latin concisus past participle of concidere to cut up. Translation and definition unconcise dictionary english english online. 19 synonyms of concise from the merriam webster thesaurus plus 16 related words definitions and antonyms. It means to use a lot of words where it isnt really necessary.
Words such as short dont have the full meaning of concise which usually means not just brief but packed with information. Many students think that adding unnecessary sentences with long words will make their writing more impressive. A concise account of the countrys history. See com caedere to cut.
But in fact almost every reader values concision since concise writing is usually easier to read better thought out and better organizedthat is simply better writing. See kae id in indo european roots concisely adv. Short and clear expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words. Show declension of unconcise example sentences with unconcise translation memory.
Find descriptive alternatives for concise. Concise adjective giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words. The writing was overly verbose it could have been more concise ive never seen or heard in or un concise. Unconcise adjective not concise.
Enwiktionary2016 adjective not concise.